About us

Our Mission

At Personomic, we want to make cycling accessible and enjoyable to everyone. We combine the latest 3D-printing technology and our medical know-how to offer custom-made, ergonomic products at an attainable price. We want your experience to be hassle-free, that’s why you can place your order comfortably from your desk at home. Our bike grips are 100% Made in Germany from the concept to final product.

Personomic - Geschichte & Team

Schon 2016 begann Gründer Paul mit der Entwicklung der Personomic-Technologie. Er ist leidenschaftlicher Rennradfahrer und Maschinenbauingenieur. Als Tüftler mit drei Physiotherapeutinnen in seiner Familie war er schon immer davon fasziniert, die Ergonomie von Produkten zu optimieren.

The founding team

M. Sc. Bernadett Kiss

Product Development & Production

Paul is a passionate road cyclist and mechanical engineer. He is a tinkerer who has always been fascinated by optimizing the ergonomics of products.

M. Sc. Jonathan Kießling

Marketing & Sales

Andreas is a sports addict and nature lover. If he is not out doing sports, he is most likely spending time in his garden.

Prof. Dr. Peter Eichinger

Maschinenbau & Mechatronik

Professor für Mechatronik, Hochschule Aalen

Sibylle Eichinger

Anatomie & Ergonomie

Physiotherapeutin, Physiotherapie Eichinger

Björn Bauer

Software & Design

Christian is a pianist and minimalist. He won the Product of the Day Award on Product Hunt as an Indie Dev with his app Swish.

M. Sc. Dennis Maaß

Additive Fertigung

Dozent für Additive Fertigung und Geschäftsführer, Stratanex GmbH

M. Sc. Rebecca Schopf

BWL & Finanzen

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin, Universität Hohenheim

Katharina Eichinger

Anatomie & Ergonomie

Physiotherapeutin, Physiotherapie Eichinger


First idea

Paul develops the first idea: a personalized computer mouse.


EXIST scholarship for founders

We successfully apply for the EXIST founders scholarship with the idea of the personalized computer mouse. However, we then decide to develop the custom, ergonomic bike grips.



Our crowdfunding campaign is a huge success with over 1,000 pairs of bike grips ordered in over 30 countries.


Start of Sales

After shipping all crowdfunding orders, we transition to selling the bike grips in our online shop.


Bike retail

Together with Paul Lange & Co. OHG from Stuttgart, we bring the custom-made, ergonomic bike grips to bike retailers all over Germany.
